

You don’t know me but you don’t have to take my word for it. But, I can help you be successful in school.

“…lack of assertiveness… impacted my self-esteem, behavior, thoughts and feelings…(and got me) choosing wrong boyfriends, friends, and not making responsible or smart decisions…My procrastination was causing me a lot of stress, and in turn, it had drastically impacted my  self-esteem, behavior, thoughts and feelings…Professor Daley’s method of keeping a daily log of what had to be done on a day-to-day basis was initially easy for me; however, I found it a challenge to follow it. I began breaking up my tasks into smaller tasks…It also helped me with the anxiety that I associated with tackling the larger task itself.  (Marta S.)

“This should be a mandatory course for… professionals.” (R.P.)

“It’s hard for me to explain how grateful I am. I have turned 180 degrees in the right direction.” (S.L.)

“One of the best experiences of my life!” (S.D)

“Before, I was unsure if I was heading in the right direction.  Now I am able to ask myself tough questions and come up with the answers. I have conquered my fears and doubts and look forward to the future!” (Renee I.)

“This has taught me to look at myself– my behaviors, my dreams, and my being …more closely and analytically than ever before. It has also created in me a sense of confidence about the person I really am, and what my capabilities really are. It has taught me to analyze my weaknesses and shortcomings more realistically and address them more efficiently and effectively than ever before.  This (book) has led me to learn more about who I am and what I need to be doing.  (It) has helped me set goals and prioritize for once in my life.  I am now sure about what I value in life. This book has helped me improve my self-concept by teaching me how to learn more about myself, and understand how to work towards my goals.” (Mona S.)

“Started me on a path of self-discovery. Very positive experience!” (C. Weir)

“It has taught me to find myself, love myself and respect myself.”  (S.O.)

“Helped me be more focused, know my priorities and …be better and stronger.”(A. Folkes)

“It helped me realize how much potential I have.”(P. Sheahan)

“It has taught me a lot about being responsible for my own actions and my life. I was unmotivated, disorganized and disinterested. I was headed for a path of destruction and (that) has all changed. I no longer procrastinate. When I see all the things I have to do it does not leave me overwhelmed; it gives me the feeling of being an important individual with an exciting and meaningful life. With hard work and insight (and in a way foresight) I can be and have what I want. I can be a success. I can be happy!” (D.M.)

“My life is finally beginning to run smoother. I no longer let procrastination control my life. I keep an agenda and plan every day.  Even though I am still rough around the edges I have made a vast improvement. I feel different inside like I am ready for change. I will be such a wonderful student in the fall!” (N.D.)

Questions? Email me at: frankdaley@rogers.com

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