School Services

Self–Knowledge College (SKC) and its student division, Dropout to Dean’s List (DDL), offer several kinds of services for SCHOOL DROPOUTS OR POTENTIAL SCHOOL DROPOUTS–AT-RISK STUDENTS.skc aw

We serve  school dropouts, students, parents, colleges, high schools, social agencies, at- risk youth, returning military veterans, special education programmers, churches, prisons and other institutions and agencies.


If your school or college is having trouble with school dropout rates, SKC and DDL can help.


Self-knowledge College provides legal expertise on school dropouts. We deal with retention, college program switching, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) problems and the real reasons students drop out of school.   LEGAL SERVICES LINK

For unusual situations or circumstances not covered below, please contact Frank Daley at or call 226-647-6961.




Our education division, Dropout To Dean’s List, offers many services, courses and guides.
A lot of these are free.
The primary paid one is SKC- 101S, a 12-week course  for school dropouts or potential school leavers. We help students  find out who they are and what they want. After that, we can help them go from failing to passing grades; from low self–esteem to high confidence; from dropout to dean’s list.

We guarantee success if you do your part. So,

  • if you are a school dropout or
  • if you are thinking of it
  • if you have been kicked out of school (yikes!—don’t  despair)
  • if you are having trouble in school? (Any kind!)
  • if you are bored in school
  • if you can’t decide what college program to enter
  • if you keep switching programs once you get there
  • if  you can’t keep up your grades (even though you know you’re smart)
  • if you’ve lost your self-confidence, or felt you never had any
  • if you are confused about whether to go to college, university, the military, trade school, (or any other kind of school-art, cooking, etc), or go to work?

We can help.

Join us on DROPOUT TO DEAN’S LIST  for more information.

(We guarantee that if you do what we ask (OK, demand!), you’ll never fail another subject again.


 We know you can’t force your child to be a successful student. She/he has to want to do it.
But maybe we can help anyway.
See our university or college program selection program below
For a free 20 minute consultation, email me at
You’ll fill out a brief questionnaire so that our conversation stays on track, but that’s it, there’s no charge.


For smart parents and students who know that preparing for college starts early—like maybe in grade 10! (All right, it’s really in the womb but we can’t go there!) we have help.

We’re developing programs that help students succeed in senior high school and prepare themselves academically for college and personally for life.

Even if a student is troubled at school, is stressed or depressed or anxious and nobody can seem to nail down a specific reason or it, we can help.


We are not doctors. We can’t solve problems for people with addictions, or mental or psychological illnesses such as deep depression, severe anxiety, autism, or more severe conditions.

We believe almost anyone has the capacity to improve his or her condition.  It is possible our services may result in improvement for candidates with some milder forms of these  conditions as long as our work is supported and augmented by certified medical practitioners within in the family, agency or organizational support structure in question. And, frankly, if we abandoned all who suffer from everyday stress, anxiety or depression, we wouldn’t have many clients! We just all have to be realistic about this.

We do have a psychologist who works with us.
